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Restaurants in New York, NY Zip Code 10028

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Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in New York, NY 10028

* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for New York NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business.

Business NamePhoneAddressCityStateZip
Amity Restaurants212-861-32551134 Madison Ave FrntNew YorkNY10028
Arturo's Italian Restaurant212-535-44801617 York AveNew YorkNY10028
Beyoglu212-650-0850200 E 81st StNew YorkNY10028
Burger King212-452-4675226 E 86th StNew YorkNY10028
Caffe Grazie212-717-440726 E 84th St FrntNew YorkNY10028
Calcutta Cuisine of India212-996-8037175 E 83rd StNew YorkNY10028
Carlow East212-650-91181254 Lexington Ave FrntNew YorkNY10028
Centolire212-734-77111167 Madison AveNew YorkNY10028
Chirping Chicken Lexington Corp212-517-98881260 Lexington AveNew YorkNY10028
Dorrian's Red Hand Restaurant212-772-6660300 E 84th StNew YorkNY10028
Erminia Italian Restaurant212-879-4284250 E 83rd St FrntNew YorkNY10028
Etats Unis Restaurant212-517-8826242 E 81st StNew YorkNY10028
Ethiopian Restaurant212-717-73111582 York AveNew YorkNY10028
Flaming Embers212-717-4600206 E 86th StNew YorkNY10028
Galil Restrnt Inc212-439-98861252 Lexington Ave FrntNew YorkNY10028
Giorgious Trattoria212-472-5040354 E 84th St FrntNew YorkNY10028
Gourmet Wok212-879-50601580 York AveNew YorkNY10028
Italianissimo Ristorante212-628-8603307 E 84th StNew YorkNY10028
Ithaka Restaurant212-628-9100308 E 86th StNew YorkNY10028
Jacques Brasserie212-327-2272206 E 85th StNew YorkNY10028
Kings' Carriage House Restauran212-734-5490251 E 82nd StNew YorkNY10028
Ko Sushi212-772-88381619 York Ave FrntNew YorkNY10028
Ko Sushi Japanese Restaurant212-288-50241240 Lexington AveNew YorkNY10028
Le Boeuf A La Mode French Bistro212-249-1473539 E 81st St FrntNew YorkNY10028
Le Pain Quotidien212-327-49001131 Madison AveNew YorkNY10028
Le Refuge Restrnt212-861-4505166 E 82nd St FrntNew YorkNY10028
Maz Mezcal Mexican Restrnt212-472-1599316 E 86th StNew YorkNY10028
Nargila212-535-37001599 York Ave FrntNew YorkNY10028
Nectar Restaurant212-772-09161090 Madison AveNew YorkNY10028
Paola's Restrnt212-794-1890245 E 84th StNew YorkNY10028
Quattro Gatti Restaurant212-570-1073205 E 81st StNew YorkNY10028
Rughetta Ristorante212-517-3118347 E 85th StNew YorkNY10028
Ryan's Daughter212-628-2613350 E 85th StNew YorkNY10028
Szechuan Hunan Cottage Restaurant Inc212-535-52231588 York Ave FrntNew YorkNY10028
T&z Great Wall Kitchen212-794-28801244 Lexington AveNew YorkNY10028
Tevere 84 Italian Glatt Kosher Restaura212-744-0210155 E 84th StNew YorkNY10028
Tokubei 86212-628-5334314 E 86th St FrntNew YorkNY10028
Tre Scala212-288-7374306 E 81st StNew YorkNY10028
Turquoise Seafood Restaurant212-988-8222240 E 81st St FrntNew YorkNY10028
Wu Liang Ye 86 Restaurant Inc212-534-8899215 E 86th St FrntNew YorkNY10028
Yuko212-988-58001531 York Ave FrntNew YorkNY10028
Zocalo212-717-7772174 E 82nd St FrntNew YorkNY10028

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