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Organizations in New York, NY Zip Code 10013

Organizations Information

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Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in New York, NY 10013

* Each listing below of Organizations Information for New York NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business.

Business NamePhoneAddressCityStateZip
521 Broome St Assoc212-965-179722 Watts StNew YorkNY10013
Art Start212-716-1325285 W Broadway FrntNew YorkNY10013
Caring Community Independence Pl212-267-0499310 Greenwich StNew YorkNY10013
Chew Lun Lun Hing Association212-226-409294 Mott StNew YorkNY10013
Chinatown History Projects212-619-478570 Mulberry StNew YorkNY10013
Chinatown Planning Council212-941-0030365 BroadwayNew YorkNY10013
Chinese Amer Restrnt Assn212-966-5747173 Canal St FrntNew YorkNY10013
Chinese American Arts Council212-334-0084456 BroadwayNew YorkNY10013
Chinese Merchs Assn212-962-373483 Mott StNew YorkNY10013
Chinese Sportwear Worker Social212-226-9793175 Canal St FrntNew YorkNY10013
Chinese Women's Benevolent Assn212-267-476422 Pell St Apt 3New YorkNY10013
City Kids Foundation Inc212-925-332057 Leonard StNew YorkNY10013
Dactyl Foundation for the Arts & Huma212-219-234464 Grand StNew YorkNY10013
Everybody Wins Foundation212-219-9940350 Broadway Rm 500New YorkNY10013
F E G S Health and Human Services212-366-803080 Vandam StNew YorkNY10013
Faith Vow Deed Buddish Assoc212-966-1462130 Lafayette StNew YorkNY10013
Fortune Society Advocacy212-608-7660100 Centre StNew YorkNY10013
Greater Chinatown Community Assn212-374-1311105 Mosco StNew YorkNY10013
Hip Sing Assn Inc212-962-118815 Pell StNew YorkNY10013
Hoy Sun Ning Young Assn212-619-815633 Mott St FrntNew YorkNY10013
Knickerbocker Council 221212-645-8230570 Broome StNew YorkNY10013
Mc Cauley Water St Mission212-226-621490 Lafayette StNew YorkNY10013
Mela Foundation212-925-8270275 Church St Frnt 2New YorkNY10013
Metropolitan Area Apparel Assoc I212-334-661080 Walker StNew YorkNY10013
Na212-879-930042 Avenue of the AmericNew YorkNY10013
New York Chinese Community Cente212-226-628062 Mott StNew YorkNY10013
Oak Tin Assn Inc212-226-507862 Bayard StNew YorkNY10013
Sam Jo Association212-219-8060144 Bowery FrntNew YorkNY10013
Urban Capital Corp212-226-324911 Beach St Ste 901New YorkNY10013

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